Reading this blog provokes that all too unfamiliar feeling...

The feeling you get on a cold misty morning when you're awake far earlier than you ever like to be, preparing to do something you've never liked to do. It goes by many names; seen as a sign of dedicated progression or a subtle slip of sanity. One thing is certain, the feeling doesn't stay with you long, yet it will not soon be forgotten.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Music that makes you want to punch things.

Standing amidst a crowd of no one i often am called up to reflect on what it is I am doing with my life. As I do this I will frequently find myself scrolling through my library of music, conveniently obtained at no charge to me thanks to Youtube. As I stroll through the pictures of album covers that will stare back at me from their video rectangle on my computer screen while the song they represent plays, I will undoubtedly find the songs that are terrible to listen to while pondering life. I like to call these songs, "weird, i suddenly want to punch you..." songs. I am actually listening to one right now. And whomever you might be, know this. I want to punch you. Probably not right there very instance, but, at some point in the not to distant past, while i was typing this, i had you on my mind, while listening to songs that make me want to punch things, so indirectly you can say i wanted to punch you. Often at by no offense of your own are these emotions conjured up within my now trembling bowels. Trembling with one desire, the desire to punch something. The good news is, the next song i play, will probably make me cry and want to hug you in apology for ever letting the thought of me punching you enter my mind...
As a final thought, to add to my previous discourse, which i realize now had no point, the song I was listening to that made me want to punch you was none of than.... 'Total Eclipse of the Heart.' Bonnie Tyler has an uncanny ability to make me want to unleash my 'rage' on a pack of children. Also, if you were wondering, my 'rage' is my bag of candies. I like giving children candies, it makes them like me.
I wonder if anyone will read this, and if they do, if they will wonder why they did...


Anonymous said...

"I like giving children candies, it makes them like me." my favorite part of the discourse, most definitely.

Matt said...

yay for punching children... wait... what?