Reading this blog provokes that all too unfamiliar feeling...

The feeling you get on a cold misty morning when you're awake far earlier than you ever like to be, preparing to do something you've never liked to do. It goes by many names; seen as a sign of dedicated progression or a subtle slip of sanity. One thing is certain, the feeling doesn't stay with you long, yet it will not soon be forgotten.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Quest for the Holy Blog

Today starts the beginning of my epic journey to gain more followers than Sarah and Ahlin combined for my super blog. I call it super blog because it is more than a normal blog. Here at 'Not your fabrof blog... or is it!? no.' not only can you learn interesting facts about my super interesting life, but you can also have all of your dreams come true. End.

1 comment:

ahlin said...

it wont happen. you will never beat me in blog following. end. try again later, sweetheart. end.